K-ZOSMA7-S's setlist.fm

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K-ZOSMA7-S is a Roadie and takes care of your favourite artists and venues!


Member since July 2, 2015
Last seen April 15, 2024
Edits so far 24902
Edits last month 522


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Hello K-ZOSMA7-S sama,
As I got unexpected spare time, I have edited some years of NHK Kouhaku Utagassen.
I know that Japanese style festival naming fits Guidelines but I reconsidered to use
simple style as NHK Kouhaku Utagassen 2022, which is easy to specify full festival name
for users who are not familiar with sources written in Japanese.

Hello K-ZOSMA7-S sama,

O.K. I will take care of this. As I am busy until Sunday, I will start on next Monday.

Thank you for considering my idea. I know your recognition is true that the Kouhaku Utagassen was not held at NHK Hall only. Adding to the 72nd one, for example, the
shows before 1972 were at Kyuu NHK Hall (original NHK Hall located at Uchisaiwai
-chou), Hibiya Koukaidou, etc.

It is up to you who will fix these edits, you or me. Either is OK.

Hello K-ZOSMA7-S sama, Kochirakoso Gobusata Shite Orimasu.

Actually, the issue of NHK Kouhaku Utagassen has been in mind for months since your first edit. I tried to find out the key point of this issue and got an idea.
1) It is not unusual to use name of a TV program as venue. It is not a problem.
2) In such case, the venue will always be the same, even if the program had 70 times of shows.
I mean we do not create venue as The 70th Saturday Night Live, but as just Saturday Night Live.
3) In your NHK Kouhaku Utagassen case, each of VENUE NAME is UNIQUE like Dai 70kai NHK Kouhaku Utagassen. I think this is the point that some people want to change.
4) My suggestion is making NHK Kouhaku Utagassen as a festival;
-Venue: NHK Hall (fixed)
-Festival: NHK Kouhaku Utagassen (Basic name of a festival just as SUMMER SONIC)
Then, you can change each of annual festival name as follows;
-(Kiss at) Dai 70kai NHK Kouhaku Utagassen or (Kiss at) NHK Kouhaku Utagassen 2019

How do you think about my idea?

Hi K-ZOSMA7-S, I stand by my comment. An encore happens after the show was supposed to have ended but the musician(s) return (or are about to leave but decide to stay) in response to the public wanting more. In the case where the artist played 13 songs, takes a break and then returns to play another 10 songs, I would consider that another set, not an encore. It is rare for an encore to be more than 6-7 songs, but if you still think it is an encore, then you should make your case.

THANK YOU for the help on those two Il balletto di bronzo Japanese concerts. The information you gave me also helped me correct the venue information for the Kevin Ayers show that was held at Patapata de la salsa. If I can ever help you with any venues in the Southern USA, PLEASE let me know.

Apologies K-ZOSMA7-S. Will do better in future. I will revisit the rules. Thank you!

how can be a correct transcription for the name of this tour?

Hello K-ZOSMA7-S sama,
Sorry for my late reply and thanks for your attention to festival issues. I have completed your 3 requests about festivals. Please check them.

Hi, I understood your text, sorry for not letting you know, I just deleted it from my account because I don't like how it looks, but I had a copy of all of it, I will be reading it more carefully (I'm a little busy right now), I'll be more careful in the future, and thanks for the messages and your good work

Hello, I noticed you corrected classless act song name Give It to Me, can you also do it for This “Is” for You? W the I in Is in Capital letter

I'm not sure if it's correct to leave this as a comment on the set you linked, or leave it here, but all the sets/times for Rocklahoma are coming from: https://www.rocklahoma.com/set-times

Thanks for the heads-up! I fixed those other Band of Horses setlists.

Yes, I did not get around to those if you want to fix them.
If not, I will update tomorrow.

All best, DR. AL

It wasn't really a "correction" as it is a very gray area. I tend to allow actual attendees more leeway on this issue even though it is quite easy to think that having the two songs that he was sure were played remain as the setlist. At least the Comments show our uncertainty

Yeah its just frustrating because I thought this site was all about accuracy and truthfulness to the artists choice for a song title. Apparently its not and while disappointing, I understand that accuracy to the art isnt as important to everybody.

They really need to update their rules because it says to take the spelling from the album cover first and thats what I did. They should remove that and state to take it from Musicbrainz capitalization standards.


No problem it's not your fault sometimes people don't understand (or don't want to). We've had harder problems. I'm wondering if the other will apologise.

Hey there. I'm new to editing setlist on here and forgot to click I was there before I did it sorry.