L_P_K's setlist.fm

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Member since May 31, 2016
Last seen August 3, 2024
Edits so far 89
Edits last month 0


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Hi LPK, sehe, das wir auf einigen Konzerten, vorallem Anfang 1980 gemeinsam waren. Auch bei Alvin Lee in Bad Kreuznach/Planig. Bist Du aus der Gegend? Gruß

Hi, Fabien from France. I see you attended two shows by The Police. Do you have souvenirs about each of them, tickets, photos or so on ? Is there a chance you recorded some of them ? Several recordings to share. THX a lot for your answer. My email address to discuss : maisquefaitlapolice@yahoo.fr. Cheers. Fabien