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Member since April 5, 2018
Last seen November 11, 2018
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I would like to amend my statement on 27/5/18. I find it interesting, how people don't know the artist who originally wrote many songs! It's amazing, knowing that Robert Plant, tells us in the audience, the story or the facts about this. It's interesting information. Now I know and understand what this list is about! The rendition of the song may be changed by the way they play or preform it... a big difference from when I played in a band in the 1960's. I was reading the current news of R. Plant's, most recent achievement with this "Carry Fire" album, on Nonesuch. Congrats to you & your band!

I don't want to edit or change anything. I like knowing where Robert Plant & the Sensational Space Shifters are playing. I can't wait to hear them play in NY @ Forest Hills in June.

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