LorenzaCP's setlist.fm

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Member since June 18, 2014
Last seen October 28, 2024
Edits so far 189
Edits last month 0


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I asked to use exact location or venue following the guidelines at
https://www.setlist.fm/guidelines#festivalsHl to which you never reacted
This is a collaborative site to which everybody should contribute to the
best of their knowledge.

Please use exact location or venue for the festival FĂȘtes de Wallonie you created following the guidelines at https://www.setlist.fm/guidelines#festivalsHl

Please use exact location or venue for the festival FĂȘtes de Wallonie you created following the guidelines at https://www.setlist.fm/guidelines#festivalsHl

A festival is always held at a certain venue or location, please change the festival name with the venue or location and link it to the appropriate festival

I asked "please use exact venue instead of festival name and list source if possible to avoid future discussions", so if you were there you should know the venue or square.

User charts

LorenzaCP saw 364 different artists.