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About whitesnake


Member since July 6, 2013
Last seen February 7, 2025
Edits so far 502
Edits last month 6


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Hi -- I have an odd request. I'm writing a band biography on Coroner, and I see you were at the May 1, 1989 show at Le Zenith in Paris. I was wondering if you had any memories of that show, stories, general was a long time ago! Anyway, you might not check this any time soon, but I'll be working on this for a while, so whenever you might get back to me is fine. You can email me: with "Coroner Show" in the subject line! Cheers!

Hi Pinhead,
I am interested in having sounds from concerts I have attended : Rennes 30/11/91 , Cabourg 23/2/93 and London Brixton Academy 25/9/94.

Let me know if you have them, unfortunately I haven't any recordings to trade.

Regds Swit

User charts

PhilB saw 740 different artists.

1 Hexecutor 32
2 Manzer 17
3 Lord Gallery 11
4 ADX 9
  Tentation 9
  Killers 9
  Vulcain 9
8 Agressor 8
  Metallica 8
  Helloween 8