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Member since April 25, 2010
Last seen April 22, 2024
Edits so far 5724
Edits last month 10


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Do you recall any songs that My Chemical Romance played on October 22nd, 2004? Says you were there


Hey, just wanted to reach out regarding the Ed Sheeran setlist, I never meant to mess with the formatting/setlist, just wanted to correct the couple mistakes I saw. I removed Kiss Me since I know for a fact it was not performed, but left In Da Club in the medley since I know it was typically included in that mashup during the tour, and on this site that performance typically follows that formatting (even though it was not a part of the medley at the Blossom date)

That's not a revert war. He entered most of the setlist, you made an edit without explaining why. Perhaps if you had entered your later explanation "information about when / where the song was stopped snd picked up from" at the time of your original edit, it would have cut down on the reverting.

Adding comments like "Sorry you thought you where right when you’re not." just escalated the situation. Calling others users "bub" is aggressive and rude, and just further inflames the situation.

No problem, he posted the video after you commented on my profile. No worries!

Hey there, he's got a valid point and I don't think he's trolling. There was in deed no B-stage (an argument you've never responded to) - see the video he has linked to. It was performed towards the back of the pavilion, so using @Set in combination with an @Info for the songs is ok. Also the info that he added was ok. It's all covered by the guidelines.

Thanks for reporting. We applied some measures.

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