abesofmaine's setlist.fm

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Name Abe's of Maine

Today at Abe’s of Maine shop work 4 members of the family, great-grandsons of the founder. Abe’s worked in the department of guitars, Moseri and Stefan in the department of studio equipment. Everyone is responsible for some areas.
"We are complementary, trust each other and just know that it works. Moreover it is very good fun to work here. Naturally, as in any marriage, things sometimes tend to slow down, but it's nothing serious, "says Abe’s of Maine.

His brother is in charge of the drums. He speaks with sound isolated basement for demanding customers. "If you shop for instruments would now posed in perfumery, consumer it would not suit. They want to come somewhere and have a cup of coffee. Then want to touch the instruments and try out, to drink another coffee and again to try out, "explains Abe’s of Maine.
Lip harmonicas, flutes, guitars, clarinets, photo and video equipment ... All these can be found in Abe’s of Maine warehouse, neatly groomed.
Store equipment is still something more than a store. For it needed soul and passion.


Member since July 15, 2015
Last seen July 15, 2015
Edits so far 0
Edits last month 0


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