aksel23's setlist.fm

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Member since June 27, 2019
Last seen April 22, 2024
Edits so far 6175
Edits last month 3


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We use musicbrainz rules for writing songtitles.
Everyone may see how you changed the songtitles, but new users or even experienced users may not see the reason why you changed it that way.
If you use the link, they may learn something.

They fixed the problem, you can add new festivals again

Thanks fr the info. I have merged the venues and added details for the Kulturhuset. If the address looks wrong please let me know.

Do you think that Kulturhuset may have been the earlier name for Nøtterøy Kulturhus? If that is the case then the two venues should not be merged. I am holding off merging the venues for now and if you could let me know if that was the case I Ould appreciate it. I don't read Norwegian at all so I can't do the research myself or I would.

User charts

aksel23 saw 223 different artists.