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About bamjuggler


Member since November 11, 2012
Last seen April 19, 2024
Edits so far 19541
Edits last month 216


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Home before I saw your comment. Catch you next round at the Chapel...or Mountain Winery...

Got some CVB happening tonight

Didn’t realize you were a Welcome Matt fan. I can recommend the headliner tonight

Hey BamJuggler, got your message and I commented on the setlist. Long story short , I was multitasking during the show and don’t have any corrections I can make. Catch you next time!

Hey, it was great meeting you yesterday! I do not always “check in” at when attending a show, have my own list though and yesterday’s concert was my #497 since I moved to US in early 2015. Well I guess I probably shared a hundred of past concerts with you :)

Regarding that Taj Mahal song we briefly discussed, check out this video from 2018:

And this song indeed contains “bring it with you when you come” lyrics!



since you were present at can you confirm this was with the Imposters, since there's only 3 concerts with them and all the rest are solo gigs.

Thanks for the help on the NOLA Jazzfest setlists!!

I left during "Don't Stop." Was that the final song or did they do "All Over Again?" Thanks!

Hi, please don't create venues for festival stages. We don't that for other festivals and we shouldn't that for the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. Thanks!

You are correct. I fixed it now.

Hello Bamjuggler,

Thanks for posting the Ry Cooder setlist. I was there last night...great show! I'm pretty sure he played 'Jesus and Woody'? Not sure if he played 'Great Dream from Heaven'. Thoughts?

Thanks again, kp