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About bmcd67


Member since September 22, 2011
Last seen October 29, 2024
Edits so far 27
Edits last month 0


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Hi, I'm collecting live audio recordings by The Police. If you are interested in trading rare live stuff, or if you know tapers who might have recorded The Police, please email me at :
Thanks a lot in advance. Cheers. Dr

Soundwave, was able to clean up some more. Trying to poll old friends to see if we can firm up. Thanks for follow up!

bmcd67, no problem! Thanks for updating what you did! I am glad that for once it is from somebody who actually went to the show :-)

Soundwave, I'm not exactly 100% sure but it's close. It's been 30 years since I went to the show and I was 14 yrs old so hard to remember.

Regarding the Police setlist in Rio, are you sure it is correct? The previous user that added those songs has a history of doing bad edits that was why I took them out.