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Member since June 18, 2013
Last seen April 24, 2024
Edits so far 860
Edits last month 6


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Apparently it was not the Who medley performed after all at the concert you edited and attended

That's the name of the single. It is released on multiple platforms.

Please take a look at the setlists here ....
Already listed 113 times.

Used songs for the Beatles and Who medley are listed amongst the performed songs
That's the name of the single. It is released on multiple platforms.

Maybe you could look up in the statistics how the Who medley should be listed here
We don't use medleys in the title of a song.

Young drunk is honestly the only one I wasn't sure about, they played a song in that spot. It didn't sound great do i couldn't really tell what it was. The only thing I really remember is doing whoa whoas at the end. So I kind of made an educated guess with looking at other set lists. I know a bunch of there songs just not great with there titles.

I don't remember Smith Street playing Young Drunk there. Maybe I was just too in to them to notice haha. But I feel like I would remember if they did, as that is one of my favorites from them.

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