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coffinjose is a Roadie and takes care of your favourite artists and venues!
Name Tom M.

Rabid music fan since birth...lover of a wide range of musical genres....avid concert-goer since 1977....proudly documenting the under-documented artists in the music world!


Member since June 19, 2017
Last seen April 23, 2024
Edits so far 182415
Edits last month 1867


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just saw the official msg, no people allowed, stream only, disappointed

called poor davids and someone answered that never happens, i asked and all he would say is "up in the air" and will be info sent out later today,

hi, hope things r good with u, i see ur postings for nobodys girl so guessing ur a fan and maybe u know more than i can find, i was planning on going to see nobodys girl at poor davids sat 7th, had not bought tix yet but checked last night and they still had available, this morning tix seller list show as stream, not tix doesnt say sold out, poor davids and nobodys child and solo online info, has no current info on show, not sure if its sold out over night? or if show is now only a stream show and not even at poor davids, i did see something on betty soo site made it sound like she might now be there but was a few days old, thought maybe u were on close terms with them or know for sure about the poor davids show, im sure something will pop up b4 saturday , but im impatient and disappointed i didnt buy tix last night if sold out, i rem u said u be chatted with some artists during shut down and streaming times, thanks for any info

Agreed. The site will ask me for a link to where I found the information and it’ll be a show I found on a picture of an old flier somewhere....

Thanks for the New York Dolls correction. It was getting late and I had straightened out 6 shows they did during g a 3 night stand and evidently missed changing the year on one of them.

Can you post it on the Problems with Songs Forum? I am on the phone and I don't like doing those edits on it. Old phone + old eyes make it hard. Also that way there is a better record of it. Hope you are doing well.

Hello, basically, the venues look alright with some minor change of capitalization later. : )

I have put the translation for most of Flemish cities in French and vice versa in Belgium as an alias.


The city of Lier in Belgium existed in the province of Antwerp, so no need to create another one. with only one venue.

I did, I covered all of the larger hospitals in Louisiana. How long have you been in Health care>

hi, so i noticed this artiist id never heard of listed in the Texas top 20,
your in love with Lex Land, looks like ur doing all the entries, whats ur connection,
even my fav bands i dont want to watch or listen to every day
in another 3 months doing daily shows, will be in top 5, listening to music now
so at least in 2 more years of entries i will at least know who tops even Joe Ely for most shows

Are you feeling any better? After I got Pfizerized I felt great. Next vax 4/2.

Not a problem at all man! Thanks for the kind words about the band! I'll be sure to let you know if we ever make it out to Louisiana! Rock on, my man! \m/

I don't know whether the Liz Phair "livestream" was lip synched or not (and I'm not convinced it was). They are new recordings . . . they don't consist of Liz lip synching to the original studio versions of the songs. So the stream depicts Liz playing her acoustic guitar, but then it cuts to a shot of Liz (in a different outfit) playing the electric guitar and singing. Then it cuts to a clip of Brad Wood playing the drums, and then cuts to a clip of Brad Wood playing bass (to the same song) wearing a different outfit, etc. So while it's quite possible we're hearing the actual audio associated with the individual video clips (i.e., not lip synched), it was all, at best, pre-recorded clips that were all obviously recorded separately at different times (and probably different days) but combined/bounced to a single audio/video product. It didn't constitute a true "livestream" because the performance was clearly not taking place simultaneously with the streaming, and it's entirely unclear when the actual performance clips were individually filmed.

lingering breathing probs sounds bad sorry, wondering how old u r, i think of u as youngest, but i still see myself that way to in my mind, but im not, retired in 60s

Thank you so much for replying to my comment! Regarding the Liz Phair "livestream" - while I am 100% certain it was pre-recorded and not performed live, I'm less certain about whether or not permits entry of pre-recorded/non-live performances. I'm sure some Liz Phair fans like having the information as to what songs were multicast available somewhere and may be annoyed if the information is taken down from That being said, what she multicast, while being advertised as a "livestream" didn't even fit the definition of "livestream" as it was not recorded live while being streamed. I mean, all of the songs featured Brad Wood on bass AND drums, he was wearing different clothes for each, was cleanly shaven playing drums but had several days of scruff on his face while playing bass, etc. Several songs featured Liz playing both acoustic and electric guitar, dressed differently, etc. It is immediately apparent it's all pre-recorded and not performed live, but I'm less certain whether something like that is supposed to be on or not (which is why I was reluctant to delete it). If you can confirm for me that a "non-live performance" should not be on, I'm happy to delete it because I can absolutely verify it wasn't a live performance.

hi, glad u made it thru virus ok, light symptoms or anything nasty? does basically everybody working there get it, sick b4 u got shots if so did u really need shots or just extra protection or mandatory cus ur work hospital, wife got shot a few days ago,
im wondering if texas may get more shows since we r going 100% next week, some clubs that so far have not opened may be able to, shows that have happened w restrictions most basically too expensive for a single to attend, i have to buy a table for 4 or 6 so $200 or 300, and basically local or cover bands only, so even tho there r some bands i wouldnt mind seeing price keeps me home, need those touring bands (how much longer), still have presale tix for 10 shows that never got cancelled, like GA floor for rolling stones at cotton bowl (when is that ever gonna happen, will they still be alive)

I noticed you created a setlist for the March 3, 2021 Liz Phair live stream event. I'm wondering whether this should be on . . . I paid for the live stream expecting to watch a live performance. I didn't. The "live stream" was a handful of pre-recorded (and overdubbed) performances with lengthy interview clips between each one (with a few odd video clips involving a puppet that looked like Lou Reed). I thought was for actual live performances (or live streaming performances). I'm not critical of the creation of the set list . . . like I say, I thought it was going to be a life performance life stream. But again, it wasn't, and as she likely recorded the "performances" well before March 3rd (the performances were obviously not "live") I'm not sure it belongs on

hi, hope u r doing well, has work slowed down at all yet, talkin with says he is in healthcare and talks/works with people in Louisiana , wondering if he knows u

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