davyc1976's setlist.fm

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Member since April 10, 2014
Last seen October 27, 2024
Edits so far 634
Edits last month 4


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Hey mate. Could you give me an email on aaroncurrie66@icloud.com please? Thanks in advance, Aaron

By any chance do you have a recording of the Belly Manchester 1995 show? I have 100's to trade

Hi! I saw that you went to Peter Gabriel's show in Sheffield in 2004. Did you happen to take any photos/videos from that show? There are two reasons why am I looking for it:
1. It's the only show from Still Growing Up tour which included "Washing of the Water"
2. It contains rare performance of "Baby Man" (which was performed only 9 times)

If you don't have any photos/videos, that's alright, but please let me know, so I'll search further :)

User charts

davyc1976 saw 284 different artists.