g_money's setlist.fm

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g_money is a Roadie and takes care of your favourite artists and venues!


Member since March 14, 2012
Last seen April 19, 2024
Edits so far 3200
Edits last month 54


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Thanks for fixing the West Theb Brightside setlist! Didn't know the names of their new songs

Thanks G Money! I couldn't remember every song! What a show!

Is the Empire Church Theatre a separate venue to the main Empire Theatre? Do you think that the Empire complex should be split similarly to what we have with QPAC?

I've just promoted you to Roadie on your friend Azazel23's suggestion. I know you're active in the SEQ area, it would be great to have someone else on the team looking after Australian content!
Have a look around the Roadie guide to familiarise yourself with your new tools, and please get in touch if you have any questions!


Unfortunately that release isn't yet on musicbrainz. Are you able to add it first there, and then I can import to setlist.fm? Thanks

I've refreshed Gang of Youths - has that fixed the missing releases?

was that the actual setlist for toowoomba? for an 18+ show?...

User charts

g_money saw 777 different artists.