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Member since June 18, 2017
Last seen October 19, 2018
Edits so far 10
Edits last month 0


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i guess i'm biased as a guitar player but Ken's overdrive was way over the top and so LOUD it cut out everything else - when that overdrive pedal was on, I couldn't hear shit other than Ken's guitar - i can't believe the sound guy didn't adjust it.

they need a guitar tech badly :D

1. Dream All Day
2. Love Letter Boxes
3. Apology
4. Any Other Way
5. I Am the Cosmos
6. Please Return It
7. Golden Blunders
8. Precious Moments
9. You're the Beautiful One
10. Suddenly Mary
11. Licenses to Hide w/ Terra Lightfoot
12. The Glitter Prize w/ Terra Lightfoot
13. Ontario
14. Flavor of the Month
15. Burn and Shine
16. Solar Sister

17. Green Eyes - Husker Du cover (w/ Greg Norton formerly of Husker Du)
18. These Important Years Husker Du cover (w/ Greg Norton formerly of Husker Du)
19. Makes no Sense at All Husker Du cover (w/ Greg Norton formerly of Husker Du)
20. Sorry Somehow Husker Du cover (w/ Greg Norton formerly of Husker Du)
21. Grant Hart
22. Flood of Sunshine.

User charts

ghostrunner23 saw 5 different artists.