highvoltage74's setlist.fm

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Member since September 25, 2019
Last seen March 16, 2024
Edits so far 565
Edits last month 0


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You were not present at https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/litfiba/1991/unknown-venue-cuneo-italy-2399205f.html#sfmsesg1bd775f0 , you filled in the setlist without putting a source, now you change the venue without listing a source.
It is mandatory to add sources to all of your edits. Not only can your edit be verified for other users, it can also avoid unnecessary discussions and save a lot of time.
Be sure to explain why you edited the setlist. Don't explain what you've edited as this is obvious to the viewer.

I noticed you added songs to https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/litfiba/1993/meerstraat-oosterzele-belgium-23f9489f.html twice. I reverted this and asked for a source. You still don't seem to understand

Hi, welcome to Setlist. Here's how it works:

You attend a concert. You fill in the songs that you heard.


You find a setlist somewhere on the internet or an old newspaper. You fill in the missing songs and provide a link in the comment section to prove the changes are correct.

No source given for a show that you didn't attend gets reverted. Thank you.