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About MS217


Member since June 20, 2010
Last seen March 27, 2024
Edits so far 471
Edits last month 0


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I'm trying to figure out where this concert was held. Maybe at the student union at Niagara University or some other school?

You even made more mistakes against the tour guidelines.

You must be right about that Talking Heads show being the next week. I am merging the two. ...Thanks

Creating a new setlist with all is okay. Just report the separate setlists as duplicates to be merged.

Hi there! I've seen that you attended some Blondie gigs. Did you tape any of them? Cheers

Please do NOT list opening bands under 'tour'. If you want to use @Info in the setlist that's fine, but other bands should not be listed anywhere else as stated in the guidelines.