leue's setlist.fm

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Member since December 22, 2021
Last seen April 10, 2024
Edits so far 0
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Ok, thanks for letting me know.

Hi leue
Your Pink Floyd 'I was there' for the Hallenstadion Zurich show on 4th February 1977 has me excited that you might be able to help. I appreciate this is a massive long shot, as I am trying to find a ticket scan and wonder if you have hung on to your ticket/stub...for the last 47 years!?
I have a scan of the day before on 3rd at Hallenstadion but would really like a nice scan from the 4th. Totally understand if it’s long gone but worth asking :)
(I’d be happy to offer $$$ to your paypal for your trouble.)
Hoping you still have it of course.
Kind regards

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