lloydashley05's setlist.fm

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Name G.A.L.

G.A.L. is a English singer from Leicester


Member since January 6, 2015
Last seen October 12, 2024
Edits so far 1631
Edits last month 83


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Can you explain to me what you did to that setlist?
You took a concert that I attended in 2019 in Germany and turned it to a show this April in England?

Please change the artist for Whitney Houston hologram shows to this artist https://www.setlist.fm/setlists/base-hologram-53f633a9.html who did the production.


Would it be possible to list a source for all your uploads and or edits as asked under the edit comment box.
"Explain your edit by providing sources and/or reasons." It is there for a reason.

Mariah Carey current tour is called "North American Tour 2017"

User charts

lloydashley05 saw 109 different artists.