
luizlazzarotto's user profile image



Fundador da @LaZPatas, astrólogo, ciclista e amante da boa música! :)
Founder of @LaZPatas, astrologer, cyclist and lover of good music! :)


Member since December 20, 2015
Last seen April 15, 2024
Edits so far 191
Edits last month 7


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Please read the guidelines I'm getting tired of correcting your edits. These comments belong in the Comment Section!!!!! I don't want to revoke your editing privileges again but it is very close to happening

Unlocked now. Unfortunately deleted setlist can't be restored now. Maybe you can recreate it

I needed to block you as you were making mistakes and I was going to bed. And I was starting to mess up corrections too and signed in now.
I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly and am removing your ban.

You need to read the Guidelines before editing any more setlists. Let me know if you do and understand stand them and I will restore your editing privileges