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Member since March 2, 2010
Last seen April 6, 2024
Edits so far 253
Edits last month 0


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Hi, are you sure, that you've seen McAuley-Schenker Group in Wembley on 27.12.1987
and Whitesnake on 29.12.87? Was MSG not the support of Whitenake?

The Kaisers were great, but the Swiss just don't know how to unwind. Unless you're Swiss, in which case it's still true and you can apologise for them! :-D
Saw them again in Lausanne on Saturday and the audience were a bit more lively. But only a little bit.
Only one more gig this year, Frank Turner at Abart, then nothing til next year's Gurtenfestival. I've already got my four-day pass!

Hey, stop attending the same gigs as I am! ...just kidding. good taste in live music we have, I guess ;)
What did you think about the Kaiser Chiefs? Was the audience not just very lame?
What other gigs are you going to in the next weeks? (just curious if we have more mutual gigs soon ;)

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martinreed saw 347 different artists.