rdcnokc's setlist.fm

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Member since March 5, 2018
Last seen July 18, 2023
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I was there the entire weekend, all 3 days! Does anyone have any pics or videos from this picnic in 1977?

hi, i see u attended the entire https://www.setlist.fm/festival/1975/48-hours-in-atoka-53d643e9.html , i was passed out much of saturday, so i dont rem who played when, except late nite saturday and overflow into sunday early am, and there is a lack of info online, and i only have my ticket stubs no show info, was wondering what u rem from fest, i think everyone but david allan coe, jerry jeff, jessi colter, waylon, willie played saturday, and willie played multi times with others, trying to decide to move others to sat, i am right or wrong since u saw everyone, thanks