utwothefly's setlist.fm

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Name Alec
Twitter utwothefly

* Indoor 'Even better Than The Real Thing' Top Tier Shooter * Footgolf Hacker * Glastonbury Multi-timer * x45 U2 Show'er * Future Walking Footballer *


Member since October 18, 2012
Last seen April 23, 2024
Edits so far 472
Edits last month 0


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I was wondering about that Red Rockers show at the Prince Albert in Brighton 2016 you went to. Was this really the New Orleans punk band?? I haven't heard that they did any re-union shows here in Louisiana, let alone overseas. John Thomas Griffiths, one of the main members, has been busy in the band Cowboy Mouth and was touring with them in December of 2016 in the US. Just curious if you have any more info on this show, or if it is another band, perhaps from the UK.

I rarely video mate, Im sure you'll find some here or FB :) .

I am currently working on multicams for the U2 concerts in Stockholm on 2015-09-16 and 2015-09-17.

Did you record any videos from those concerts?

Promo tours should not be listed.


It Was The Graham Norton Show. Cheers :)

Hey, I saw you created a setlist from Sting at the ITV Studios on October 19.
Do you know which show he taped?


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