Austurbæjarbíó Reykjavik Concert Setlists

City Reykjavik, Capital Region, Iceland

Snorrabraut 37

Also known as Austurbæjarbíó Cinema, East Reykjavik Cinema
Feb 22 2020
Nov 17 2004

The Fall at Austurbæjarbíó, Reykjavik, Iceland

  1. Open the Boxoctosis #2
  2. Bo Demmick
  3. Clasp Hands
  4. Mountain Energei
  5. Contraflow
  6. Green Eyed Loco-Man
  7. Theme From Sparta F.C.
  8. Wrong Place, Right Time
  9. I Can Hear the Grass Grow
  10. Mr. Pharmacist
  11. What About Us?
  12. Janet, Johnny + James
  13. ...
May 6 1983

The Fall at Austurbæjarbíó, Reykjavik, Iceland

  1. Tempo House
  2. The Classical
  3. Eat Y'self Fitter
  4. Hexen Definitive
  5. I Feel Voxish
  6. The Man Whose Head Expanded
  7. Garden
  8. Kicker Conspiracy
  9. Look, Know
  10. Backdrop

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10 people were there.

Last updated: 12 Sep 2024, 21:51 Etc/UTC

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