Jane Taylor Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Artists with same name
- Jane Taylor (Bristol, UK based singer-songwriter)
- Jane Taylor (poet, most famous for "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
- Jane Taylor (bassoonist)
There are no setlists by Jane Taylor on setlist.fm yet. You could help us by adding a first setlist ... or whatever you remember!

Jane Taylor
Covered by
Laurie Anderson Ben Arthur BUCK‐TICK Banjo Caruana-Butler The Dollyrots Dorothy the Dinosaur Echosmith ERNEST Flesh Juicer Vance Gilbert Bruce Hornsby Hot Potato Band Jessie J Richard Jordan Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers Lisa Loeb Ed McCurdy Peter Mulvey Willie Nelson Alina Orlova Press to MECO Raffi Jordan Rudess Silverchair Fredrika Stahl Steeleye Span Jeff Tweedy The Wiggles Wilco Robbie Williams
Artists covered
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