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Member since August 14, 2017
Last seen October 21, 2022
Edits so far 8
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Just saw your comment for the Golden Summerlight Festival. Thank you for the detailed description, and I do think you're right in what happened that night.

I do also agree with you on how there are so many different descriptions of shows, especially those in the '70's.

Hey ConcertConcern, saw your comment on my profile.

Yes, I shouldn't have deleted the setlists that were created by attendees, that was a mistake on my part.

However, I am of belief that Tyler did collapse during this show, with two sources to prove. One of them is from the "Aerosmith On Tour 1973 - 1985" book by Julian Gill, which states that he collapsed three songs in the set. Another is from Tyler's OWN BOOK in which he states that he collapsed three songs in the set, and a show in Sweden had to be cancelled as a result. By the looks of things, you attended the Golden Summerlight Festival 1977, so this could all be completely wrong, so you are welcome to change the setlist. I have no intention to spread "bad info".

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