VoodooDahl's setlist.fm

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Last.fm voodoodahl

First concert - Karat (from East Germany, formerly DDR) in Denmark in 1984. Not listed on Setlist.fm.
Best concert - Pearl Jam (Pumpehuset - Copenhagen, Denmark 1993)
Worst concert - Probably Bruce Hornsby, I almost fell asleep. I was working, and wouldn't have gone otherwise, so maybe it shouldn't count.
Loudest Concert - My Bloody Valentine at FYF Fest 2013 (and I’ve seen Motörhead in a small venue)
Most surprising - probably Fidlar
Wish I could have seen - Velvet Underground and Leonard Cohen
Longest distance to a show - I took a ferry from Denmark to England to see Monsters of Rock in Castle Donington, England


Member since July 30, 2016
Last seen February 11, 2025
Edits so far 565
Edits last month 3


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There was another song before Mr Motivator I don't recognize and don't see listed.

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