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Member since May 29, 2013
Last seen September 4, 2024
Edits so far 163
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good news- i did get pictures and some low quality video of the manson and rammstein shows. bad news- the hard drive on which they are stored is corrupted and currently unreadable. but, there is an excellent quality video of the complete marilyn manson halloween show from 2000 available on youtube

Sorry after you mentioned it I realized I went to the Rammstein show in Philly not at the Patriot Center.

I guess I wrote it incorrectly. I did developed the rolls a few days after I saw them. I don't have a scanner and the one at work is broken. I'll keep you in mind if I ever come across one \,,/

I got the note about Rammstein too. It's been 12 years, I don't remember too much about this show.

Sorry, I don't log here too often. The only thing I have is a few pictures but they're on film. I didn't have a digital camera at the time. They played about 6 or 7 songs because they were opening for Slipknot and S.O.A.D. Honestly I didn't know them back then, but they blew me away with their stage show. I know they played Du hast , Links 2-3,4 and Rammstein for sure \,,/

Hi! You had asked about the Rammstein show I attended in Nevada in 2001... the main stunt I remember is that the singer came onstage with his jacket on fire. Of course there was lots of pyro throughout the show! I don't have any audio or video, but I do have 3 pictures of their set. The pictures are not very good (I was kind of far away), but if you'd like, I could scan them and email them to you (this show was before the days of everyone having digital cameras or cell phone cameras!). I also have a clipping from the local NV newspaper about the show.

I didn't go to the September show in Michigan, I went to the show in Indianapolis in October of 98.

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