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Name noodles101
Twitter noodles101
SoundCloud noodles101
Instagram noodles101


Member since June 11, 2009
Last seen October 5, 2024
Edits so far 1248
Edits last month 1


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You should not have deleted the cover tags because they were not assigned to the correct album afterwards. All the songs were known as covers, so it was easy to have the autocorrection do its work.

Because I put the cover tag back on

When adding a festival with the same name in the same city that took place in previous years you should have clicked this festival so it gets linked on the same page as a different edition (E-tropolis Festival)

User charts

noodles101 saw 361 different artists.

1 Depeche Mode 29
2 Diary of Dreams 14
3 VNV Nation 13
4 Mesh 11
  Rainald Grebe 11
6 De/Vision 10
  S.P.O.C.K 10
  Covenant 10
  And One 10
10 Diorama 8