welch123's setlist.fm

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Member since August 3, 2014
Last seen August 3, 2014
Edits so far 0
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Can check it out here too, I don't think they deviated from this at all

Hey! You posted to me about the Avett setlist, I'm pretty sure I got it accurate, I was updating as the show was going on, only letting 2 or 3 songs go by before updating. Might you be thinking of Nothing Short of Thankful? I do actually tend to think of those two songs as similar so I can see why you might think that, but I'm certain I got everything right (only thing I missed was Fireball Mail cause I assumed it was an instrumental 'The Fall' jam at first, and updated it after Joe posted the setlist). Other people have had a chance to correct my setlist too, but have only updated small things. I like to think I'm pretty familiar with their catalogue, good to know other people like to recreate playlists based on the shows they go to! Cheers.