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- Discotheque Aquelarre, El Tabo, Chile
- Discotheque Atlantis, Bulnes, Chile
- Discotheque Bajo Cero, Lampa, Chile
- Discotheque Bakana, Rancagua, Chile
- Discotheque Baluba, Pucón, Chile
- Discotheque Banana Bills, Temuco, Chile
- Discotheque Be Cool, Talca, Chile
- Discotheque Be Cool, Coquimbo, Chile
- Discotheque Big Boss, Graneros, Chile
- Discotheque Block, Temuco, Chile
- Discotheque Brass Club, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Brigg, Valparaíso, Chile
- Discotheque Broadway, Vilcún, Chile
- Discotheque Broadway, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Bronco, Chillán, Chile
- Discotheque Bronco, Los Ángeles, Chile
- Discotheque Bronco, Talca, Chile
- Discotheque Bull House, Chillán, Chile
- Discotheque Bunker, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Cábala, Curicó, Chile
- Discotheque Cabaña, Valparaíso, Chile
- Discotheque Cabo Frío, La Serena, Chile
- Discotheque Cadillac, Valdivia, Chile
- Discotheque Caimán, Antofagasta, Chile
- Discotheque Caldera, Iquique, Chile
- Discotheque Carolina, La Serena, Chile
- Discotheque Casa Grande, San Felipe, Chile
- Discotheque Casa Milá, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Che, Ushuaia, Argentina
- Discotheque Chiky, Cañete, Chile
- Discotheque Chocolate, La Calera, Chile
- Discotheque Club 127, Pichilemu, Chile
- Discotheque Cocodrilo, Puerto Montt, Chile
- Discotheque Costa Cuervo, Arica, Chile
- Discotheque Costa Cuervo, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Costa Varua, Rancagua, Chile
- Discotheque Dahui, Iquique, Chile
- Discotheque Desibelius, Licán Ray, Chile
- Discotheque Diablo Vivo, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque El Castillo, Vallenar, Chile
- Discotheque El Cielo, Chillán, Chile
- Discotheque El Cocodrilo, Salta, Argentina
- Discotheque El Faraón, Temuco, Chile
- Discotheque El Galpón, Licán Ray, Chile
- Discotheque El Muro, Calama, Chile
- Discotheque El Silencio, Lima, Peru
- Discotheque El Sótano, Copiapó, Chile
- Discotheque Elephant, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Elixir, Panguipulli, Chile
- Discotheque Entre Dos, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Entre Lagos, Ancud, Chile
- Discotheque Entre Negros, Temuco, Chile
- Discotheque Entre Negros, Osorno, Chile
- Discotheque Entre Nos, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Epicentro, Arica, Chile
- Discotheque Epicentro, Coquimbo, Chile
- Discotheque Espacio 26, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Eve, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Evolution, Quillota, Chile
- Discotheque Fausto, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Fire, Pucón, Chile
- Discotheque Freedom, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Discotheque Fusión, Ovalle, Chile
- Discotheque Génesis, Rancagua, Chile
- Discotheque Gente, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Grado 6, Curicó, Chile
- Discotheque Grinder, Villa Alemana, Chile
- Discotheque Hollywood, El Quisco, Chile
- Discotheque Ibiza, Cabrero, Chile
- Discotheque Ibiza, Antofagasta, Chile
- Discotheque Iceberg, Temuco, Chile
- Discotheque Imperio, Sagrada Familia, Chile
- Discotheque Imperio, Paine, Chile
- Discotheque Imperio Vallarta, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Inexcess, Andacollo, Chile
- Discotheque Isla Club, Peumo, Chile
- Discotheque Joy, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Kamikaze, San Fernando, Chile
- Discotheque Kamikaze, La Unión, Chile
- Discotheque Kartos, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Ketzalcoatl, Concepción, Chile
- Discotheque Kila, Puchuncaví, Chile
- Discotheque Klímax, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque KM, Osorno, Chile
- Discotheque Kullback, Coquimbo, Chile
- Discotheque La Cartofela, Paine, Chile
- Discotheque La Cascada, La Laja, Chile
- Discotheque La Cucaracha, Talca, Chile
- Discotheque La Cucaracha, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque La Granja, Talca, Chile
- Discotheque La Máquina, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque La Mole, San Fernando, Chile
- Discotheque La Nouvelle Epoque, Reñaca, Chile
- Discotheque La Pinta, Osorno, Chile
- Discotheque La Santa, Cauquenes, Chile
- Discotheque Lado B, Guadalajara, Mexico
- Discotheque Lancelot, Concepción, Chile
- Discotheque Las Brujas, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Las Urracas, Santiago, Chile
- Discotheque Locomotora, Concepción, Chile