A Static Lullaby Setlists

Jun 17 2016

A Static Lullaby at The Roxy, West Hollywood, CA, USA

  1. Nightmares Win 6-0
  2. Love to Hate, Hate to Me
  3. Withered
  4. Lip Gloss and Letdown
  5. A Sip of Wine Chased With Cyanide
  6. We Go to Eleven
  7. The Shooting Star That Destroyed Us
  8. A Song for a Broken Heart
  9. Annunciate While You Masticate
  10. Charred Fields of Snow
  11. The Art of Sharing Lovers
  12. Rattlesnake!
A Static Lullaby setlists

A Static Lullaby


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Last updated: 9 Nov 2024, 09:29 Etc/UTC

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Last updated: 9 Nov 2024, 09:29 Etc/UTC

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