Approach Setlists

Nov 12 2005

Approach at The Red Room, E1W, London, England

  1. Talkin Bout a Revolution
  2. Brown Eyed Girl
  3. There She Goes
  4. Knockin' on Heaven's Door
  5. She Will Be Loved
  6. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
  7. Lucky Man
  8. Champagne Supernova
  9. So Far Away
  10. Boulevard of Broken Dreams
  11. Boom, Like That
  12. Curbside Prophet
  13. ...
Approach setlists


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Last updated: 8 Oct 2024, 00:24 Etc/UTC

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stevevanjames Timbmj Timbmj1

Last updated: 8 Oct 2024, 00:24 Etc/UTC

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