Bearings Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
- Bearings (pop-punk band from Ottawa)
- Bearings (post-hardcore from Philadelphia)
Upcoming Shows
Bearings at No Man's Land, St. Catharines, ON, Canada
- Gone So Gone
- Scenery
- Aforementioned
- Eyes Closed
- Where You Are
- Sway
Bearings at Bridgeworks, Hamilton, ON, Canada
- Gone So Gone
- Scenery
- Shaking Your Mind
- Stormy Weather
- Live Forever Never Die
- Aforementioned
- Eyes Closed
- Human
- Sway
Bearings at The Salt Shed, Chicago, IL, USA
- Shaking Your Mind
- Where You Are
- Gone So Gone
- Live Forever Never Die
- Eyes Closed
- Human
- Scenery
- Sway
Bearings at Newport Music Hall, Columbus, OH, USA
- Shaking Your Mind
- Where You Are
- Gone So Gone
- Live Forever Never Die
- Eyes Closed
- Scenery
- Scenery
- Sway
Bearings at Rams Head Live!, Baltimore, MD, USA
- Shaking Your Mind
- Where You Are
- Gone So Gone
- Live Forever Never Die
- Eyes Closed
- Human
- Scenery
- Sway
Bearings at Roadrunner, Boston, MA, USA
Doors: 6:00 PMShow: 7:40 PM – 8:05 PM
- Shaking Your Mind
- Where You Are
- Gone So Gone
- Live Forever Never Die
- Eyes Closed
- Human
- Scenery
- Sway
Most played songs
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Artists covered
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Gigs seen live by
228 people have seen Bearings live.
jse556 julesisdeadXD MattEightSix tbrey xogwenn Stockholmsydney clit PurplePersona daltorrrr TheQuicksterr Daileyryan98 Daileyas mrAPE GMoneyMan17 firebreath99 srlight BGL13 LensxLyrics Herecomesvader Nootzie chocmilkandrock mikeloveshayley guitarh4 NewportShortie reilly311 nahtepiercy Muddybro Polarized JenCurrie charles_e wiseharley tinnitus_photo bquinn33 ktess99 pgreens CrazyKoleslaw f4ngs_0ut FatMcCat tafkatram coely kategale Stewbac qtippingbrain AsthmaticTeaPot dhughes09 cjboggess With_Teeth Gbaby16 Ghost11Hound kfosnot
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