BIG|BRAVE Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Upcoming Shows
BIG|BRAVE at 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Doors: 7:00 PM
BIG|BRAVE at Lending Room, Leeds, England
- chanson pour mon ombre
- not speaking of the ways
- canon : in canon
- quotidian : solemnity
- theft
- i felt a funeral
- moonset
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Gigs seen live by
284 people have seen BIG|BRAVE live.
slowmy jcrystoff jtyarks jasonzampino garyswanson visceral___ konoyo Reyalswoc Jmn1981 toclean MythOfMetal paulina_lemos Svartkladd mangofandango brettski hedgie Oldbadger HerryVanRuerk karldelahaye allmycirclesrun blipperey Chops_Top_Fives elmo3 Lars_Muziek Earthbound Graevling JakubDemianczuk Addie MATI9630 Regis jerryjose7 fwts-ltm MachlaD ClementLarue _tunic_ tsomic voidflame nahgeb lew6s Phanboirojoey RadUlfr leugenaars zandermetal otl1972 animamiguel tiquinho DarthZiltoidus Fabiolival thril noireau299
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