Cloak Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Cloak at Squirralypse Fest 2024
Scheduled start: 11:15 PM
- Ethereal Fire
Cloak at Petit Bain, Paris, France
Doors: 7:00 PM
- Ethereal Fire
- With Fury and Allegiance
- In the Darkness, the Path
- Seven Thunders
- The Holy Dark
Cloak at Samhain 2024
Scheduled start: 2:20 PM
Cloak at Musikens Hus, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Ethereal Fire
- With Fury and Allegiance
- In the Darkness, the Path
- Seven Thunders
- The Holy Dark
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215 people have seen Cloak live.
Versaion gajewmic browar1579 Cr0wley33 AuntieAcid TheRealAEgir Eduardt Banefire Deathliger TheKayZen Annwvyn OnlyDeathIsReal Frankie_Snow Neogoliath BartCant davidbauwens daechs otl1972 JR_Katatonico MetalHobbit666 j_vf Rockregent Jesper_Kreator nicper71 Dwun Diesmali edwerm Vildstjarna Epzilona JadedBen GhostRiderH arareko Machfive anoakenthrone Cleen Poisonstroke EXITSIGN hvymetalmaniac DarthGrimby Bartender888 crjb pezcore99 GabDallaire Boognish1985 Dudeology jmutil_ JaredMiller ura14 Cortney Tori06
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