Coogans Bluff Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Coogans Bluff at UT Connewitz, Leipzig, Germany
End: 11:05 PM
Coogans Bluff at Red Smoke Festival 2024
Scheduled start: 7:35 PM
- Balada
- Here I Stand
- Beefheart
- Gadfly
- Sincerely Yours
- One More Time
- Where No Man Has Gone Before
- Farewell
- N.R.I.H.C.
- Flying to the Stars
Coogans Bluff at Unknown Venue, Treuenbrietzen, Germany
- Flying to the Stars
Coogans Bluff at Das Bett, Frankfurt, Germany
- Balada
- Here I Stand
- Beefheart
- Gadfly
- Sincerely Yours
- One More Time
- No One's Brother
- Farewell
- N.R.I.H.C.
- Flying to the Stars
- Living in Danger
- Hooray!
- ...
Coogans Bluff at Feierwerk (Kranhalle), Munich, Germany
- Balada
- Here I Stand
- Beefheart
- Gadfly
- Sincerely Yours
- One More Time
- Norma Brothers
- Farewell
- N.R.I.H.C.
- Flying to the Stars
- Living in Danger
- Hooray!
- ...
Coogans Bluff
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38 people have seen Coogans Bluff live.
NvK2000 MrHeep zngbr akysz Nabuchodonozzor pitje007 dwooderson tossen Tojo65 nachtfluegel -dlb- gauloises123 Demeta theunwantedpath progdidi Tomcat96 Doppelphoenix yeahsof Addie yagoodka zombiebacon mulefan2 vandergraaf79 DrIncluding Joerg2 Zorro lomedae Mr_Alchemize madrume bloop Doorsmorris vlad_bologa max1334 Shrimpsmann xgerdax bernd-hh Rrrola drywater