Duane Eddy Setlists

Oct 30 2018

Duane Eddy at The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, England

  1. Movin 'n' Groovin
  2. Detour
  3. The Lonely One
  4. Shazam!
  5. Three-30-Blues
  6. Ramrod
  7. First Love, First Tears
  8. Dance With the Guitar Man
  9. Play Me Like You Play Your Guitar
  10. Boss Guitar
  11. Cannonball
  12. Memphis, Tennessee
  13. ...
Oct 23 2018

Duane Eddy at London Palladium, London, England

  1. Movin 'n' Groovin
  2. Cannonball
  3. The Lonely One
  4. Shazam!
  5. Three-30-Blues
  6. Ramrod
  7. First Love, First Tears
  8. Dance With the Guitar Man
  9. Play Me Like You Play Your Guitar
  10. Boss Guitar
  11. Memphis, Tennessee
  12. Keep A-Knockin' (But You Can't Come In)
  13. ...
Apr 21 2018

Duane Eddy at Viva Las Vegas 2018

  1. Movin 'n' Groovin
  2. Cannonball
  3. Stalkin'
  4. The Lonely One
  5. Shazam!
  6. Ramrod
  7. My Blue Heaven
  8. Blueberry Hill
  9. Forty Miles of Bad Road
  10. Yep
  11. Peter Gunn
  12. Rebel Rouser
May 27 2012

Duane Eddy at Sage 2, Gateshead, England

  1. Detour
  2. Movin 'n' Groovin
  3. Yep
  4. The Lonely One
  5. Shazam!
  6. Bleaklow Air
  7. Ramrod
  8. Three-30-Blues
  9. Forty Miles of Bad Road
  10. Cannonball
  11. First Love, First Tears
  12. Primeval
  13. ...
Duane Eddy setlists

Duane Eddy

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