E Street Shuffle Setlists

Mar 25 2023

E Street Shuffle at Levoy Theatre, Millville, NJ, USA

Set Times:
Doors: 7:00 PM
  1. Growin' Up
  2. Blinded by the Light
  3. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
  4. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
  5. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
  6. Thunder Road
  7. Jungleland
  8. Badlands
  9. The Promised Land
  10. Prove It All Night
  11. Hungry Heart / Out in the Street
  12. The River
  13. ...
Sep 13 2014

E Street Shuffle at Amboy Avenue, Edison, NJ, USA

  1. Born to Run
  2. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
  3. Glory Days
  4. Hungry Heart
  5. Out in the Street
  6. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
  7. The River
  8. Thunder Road
  9. Badlands
  10. Dancing in the Dark
  11. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
  12. Having a Party
  13. ...
E Street Shuffle setlists

E Street Shuffle

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Last updated: 6 Oct 2024, 06:38 Etc/UTC

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