Fireflight Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Fireflight at Unknown Venue, Logan, OH, USA
- Desperate
- You Gave Me a Promise
- Die Free
- Ignite
- What I've Overcome
- For Those Who Wait
- I Won't Look Back
- Stand Up
- Stay Close
- Here and Now
- Keep Fighting
- Stronger Than You Think
- ...
Fireflight at Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds, Quincy, CA, USA
- Desperate
- You Gave Me a Promise
- Die Free
- Ignite
- Fire in My Eyes
- What I've Overcome
- Escape
- For Those Who Wait
- I Won't Look Back
- Stand Up
- Stay Close
- Here and Now
- ...
Fireflight at Unknown Venue, Logan, OH, USA
- For Those Who Wait
- Keep Fighting
- I Won't Look Back
- Desperate
- Safety
- Here and Now
- What I've Overcome
- Die Free
- Stronger Than You Think
- I Surrender All
- Stay Close
- Stand Up
- ...
Fireflight at Parque Olímpico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Stay Close
- Ignite
- Keep Fighting
- You Give Me That Feeling
- Lightning
- Safety
- Forever
- Here and Now
- For Those Who Wait
- Stronger Than You Think
- The Hunger
- I've Got the Power
- ...
Fireflight at Lifest 2016
- Keep Fighting
- Desperate
- Stand Up
- For Those Who Wait
- Safety
- What I've Overcome
- Lightning
- Unbreakable
- Resuscitate
- Stronger Than You Think
Fireflight at Unknown Venue, Mobile, AL, USA
- Stay Close
- Lightning
- I've Got the Power
- Ignite
- You Give Me That Feeling
- The Hunger
- Resuscitate
- Keep Fighting
- We Are Alive
- Here and Now
- It's You
- Name
- ...
Fireflight at Unknown Venue, Pensacola, FL, USA
- Stay Close
- Lightning
- I've Got the Power
- Ignite
- You Give Me That Feeling
- The Hunger
- Resuscitate
- Keep Fighting
- We Are Alive
- Here and Now
- It's You
- Name
- ...
Fireflight at Unknown Venue, Tallahassee, FL, USA
- Stay Close
- Lightning
- I've Got the Power
- Ignite
- You Give Me That Feeling
- The Hunger
- Resuscitate
- Keep Fighting
- We Are Alive
- Here and Now
- It's You
- Name
- ...
Fireflight at Unknown Venue, Tampa, FL, USA
- Stay Close
- Lightning
- I've Got the Power
- Ignite
- You Give Me That Feeling
- The Hunger
- Resuscitate
- Keep Fighting
- We Are Alive
- Here and Now
- It's You
- Name
- ...
Fireflight at Unknown Venue, Evansville, IN, USA
- Keep Fighting
- Ignite
- Desperate
- Lightning
- You Give Me That Feeling
- The Hunger
- Resuscitate
- Safety
- You Decide
- Name
- All I Need to Be
- Here and Now
- ...
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84 people have seen Fireflight live.
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