Glintshake Setlists

Feb 21 2019

Glintshake at Moskva Hall, Moscow, Russia

  1. Teni
  2. Simpatichnij Muzhchina
  3. Nashi Predlozheniya
  4. Pol'za
  5. Ubozhestvo
  6. Moj Novyj Stil'
  7. Bez Pyatnadtsati Pyat'
  8. Nedolzh
  9. Jam
  10. Phoenix
  11. Bud' Chelovekom
  12. Bud' Chelovekom
Glintshake setlists


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Last updated: 10 Nov 2024, 03:05 Etc/UTC


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Last updated: 10 Nov 2024, 03:05 Etc/UTC

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Last updated: 10 Nov 2024, 03:05 Etc/UTC

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