Holy Grail Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Holy Grail at Live Freak, Tokyo, Japan
- Fight to Kill
- No More Heroes
- Crosswinds
- Crystal King
- Sudden Death
- Call of Valhalla
- Those Who Will Remain
- The Blackest Night / Crisis in Utopia
- Ride the Void
- My Last Attack
Holy Grail at Count's Vamp'd Rock Bar & Grill, Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Fight to Kill
- No More Heroes
- Crosswinds
- Crystal King
- Sudden Death
- Rains of Sorrow
- Call of Valhalla
- Those Who Will Remain
- Off The Rails
- The Blackest Night
- Ride the Void
- My Last Attack
Holy Grail at Small's, Hamtramck, MI, USA
- Fight to Kill
- No More Heroes
- Crosswinds
- Crystal King
- Sudden Death
- Rains of Sorrow
- Call of Valhalla
- Those Who Will Remain
- Off The Rails
- The Blackest Night
- Ride the Void
- My Last Attack
Holy Grail
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276 people have seen Holy Grail live.
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