Hunt the Dinosaur Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Hunt the Dinosaur at Inkcarceration 2024
Doors: 11:00 AM
Hunt the Dinosaur at El Corazón, Seattle, WA, USA
- D.T.F.
- TinFoil Hat
- Get Up on My Level
- Tank
- Baked
- Destructo
Hunt the Dinosaur at Summit Music Hall, Denver, CO, USA
Doors: 6:00 PMStart: 6:55 PM
- Jurassic Park: Suite
- D.T.F.
- TinFoil Hat
- Get Up on My Level
- Tank
- Baked
- Destructo
Hunt the Dinosaur at Granada Theater, Lawrence, KS, USA
- D.T.F.
- TinFoil Hat
- Get Up on My Level
- Tank
- Baked
- Destructo
Hunt the Dinosaur at The Rave II, Milwaukee, WI, USA
- Destructo
Hunt the Dinosaur
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46 people have seen Hunt the Dinosaur live.
rdeyesun LucrativeTheory bwilliams523 JoeHanka FramesJNCO Siren1193 kr0nai Brimstone646 J_Olin Lerxst98 Rubic ares_h_ ZVMike Dr_Baconburger frozenshadow Jacobbuzzsaw toa5t Aroot20 bblair rottenzombie Ben1346790 BrandonSpurosky Paroxysmic rakkan ShadowsFall777 Psychopat ninesea Jocklow ChandlerDobson battExodus Natstal siavash1996 JadenBlack27 SerafinaBreeann 32jujuboy Dr-swampthing benhos pottymouth333 marksayer temerson64 RandyTheButcher Corbett jbc410 doubletherent couchdrumming EXITSIGN