Modern Baseball Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Modern Baseball at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Wedding Singer
- Note to Self
- Mass
- Every Day
- Hiding
- Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
- Fine, Great
- Broken Cash Machine
- Re-Do
- Re-Done
- Apple Cider, I Don't Mind
- The Thrash Particle
- ...
Modern Baseball at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Re-Do
- Tears Over Beers
- The Weekend
- @ Chl03k
- Hours Outside in the Snow
- I Think You Were in My Profile Picture Once
- Re-Done
- Cooke
- See Ya, Sucker
- Look Out
- Play Ball!
- Coals
- ...
Modern Baseball at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Fine, Great
- Broken Cash Machine
- Rock Bottom
- Apartment
- I Think You Were in My Profile Picture Once
- Re-Done
- Charlie Black
- The Thrash Particle
- Apple Cider, I Don't Mind
- Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
- Wedding Singer
- Note to Self
- ...
Modern Baseball at O2 Forum Kentish Town, London, England
- Wedding Singer
- Note to Self
- Mass
- This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
- Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
- Apartment
- Every Day
- Hiding
- Tears Over Beers
- Cooke
- Reconstruction Site
- Coals
- ...
Modern Baseball at Manchester Academy 2, University of Manchester Students' Union, Manchester, England
- Wedding Singer
- Note to Self
- Mass
- This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
- Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
- Apartment
- Every Day
- Hiding
- Tears Over Beers
- Cooke
- Foregone Conclusions
- Coals
- ...
Modern Baseball at Riverside, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
- Wedding Singer
- Note to Self
- Mass
- This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
- Apartment
- Tears Over Beers
- Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
- Every Day
- Hiding
- Cooke
- Reconstruction Site
- Coals
- ...
Modern Baseball at Bierkeller, Bristol, England
- Wedding Singer
- Note to Self
- Mass
- This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
- Tears Over Beers
- Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
- Every Day
- Hiding
- Cooke
- Reconstruction Site
- Coals
- The Weekend
- ...
Modern Baseball at The 1865, Southampton, England
- Wedding Singer
- Note to Self
- Mass
- This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
- Tears Over Beers
- Apartment
- Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
- Every Day
- Hiding
- Cooke
- Reconstruction Site
- Coals
- ...
Modern Baseball
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714 people have seen Modern Baseball live.
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