Modern Baseball Setlists

Oct 15 2017

Modern Baseball at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, PA, USA

  1. Wedding Singer
  2. Note to Self
  3. Mass
  4. Every Day
  5. Hiding
  6. Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
  7. Fine, Great
  8. Broken Cash Machine
  9. Re-Do
  10. Re-Done
  11. Apple Cider, I Don't Mind
  12. The Thrash Particle
  13. ...
Oct 14 2017

Modern Baseball at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, PA, USA

  1. Re-Do
  2. Tears Over Beers
  3. The Weekend
  4. @ Chl03k
  5. Hours Outside in the Snow
  6. I Think You Were in My Profile Picture Once
  7. Re-Done
  8. Cooke
  9. See Ya, Sucker
  10. Look Out
  11. Play Ball!
  12. Coals
  13. ...
Oct 13 2017

Modern Baseball at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, PA, USA

  1. Fine, Great
  2. Broken Cash Machine
  3. Rock Bottom
  4. Apartment
  5. I Think You Were in My Profile Picture Once
  6. Re-Done
  7. Charlie Black
  8. The Thrash Particle
  9. Apple Cider, I Don't Mind
  10. Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
  11. Wedding Singer
  12. Note to Self
  13. ...
Feb 18 2017

Modern Baseball at O2 Forum Kentish Town, London, England

  1. Wedding Singer
  2. Note to Self
  3. Mass
  4. This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
  5. Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
  6. Apartment
  7. Every Day
  8. Hiding
  9. Tears Over Beers
  10. Cooke
  11. Reconstruction Site
  12. Coals
  13. ...
Feb 17 2017

Modern Baseball at Manchester Academy 2, University of Manchester Students' Union, Manchester, England

  1. Wedding Singer
  2. Note to Self
  3. Mass
  4. This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
  5. Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
  6. Apartment
  7. Every Day
  8. Hiding
  9. Tears Over Beers
  10. Cooke
  11. Foregone Conclusions
  12. Coals
  13. ...
Feb 14 2017

Modern Baseball at Riverside, Newcastle upon Tyne, England

  1. Wedding Singer
  2. Note to Self
  3. Mass
  4. This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
  5. Apartment
  6. Tears Over Beers
  7. Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
  8. Every Day
  9. Hiding
  10. Cooke
  11. Reconstruction Site
  12. Coals
  13. ...
Feb 13 2017

Modern Baseball at Bierkeller, Bristol, England

  1. Wedding Singer
  2. Note to Self
  3. Mass
  4. This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
  5. Tears Over Beers
  6. Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
  7. Every Day
  8. Hiding
  9. Cooke
  10. Reconstruction Site
  11. Coals
  12. The Weekend
  13. ...
Feb 12 2017

Modern Baseball at The 1865, Southampton, England

  1. Wedding Singer
  2. Note to Self
  3. Mass
  4. This Song Is Gonna Buy Brendan Lukens a New Pair of Socks
  5. Tears Over Beers
  6. Apartment
  7. Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy the Movie Part Deux (2 Disc Director's Cut)
  8. Every Day
  9. Hiding
  10. Cooke
  11. Reconstruction Site
  12. Coals
  13. ...
Modern Baseball setlists

Modern Baseball

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Last updated: 15 Oct 2024, 12:28 Etc/UTC

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