Mr. So & So Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Mr. So & So at Cambridge Rock Festival 2014
- House of Dreams
- Photograph
- Paperchase
- Time for Change
- So Near, So Far
- Apophis
- You're Coming Home
Mr. So & So at The Citadel, St Helens, England
- Coup de grace
Mr. So & So
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42 people have seen Mr. So & So live.
Berryfields1967 Thrushlad cessvandervalke PJayBe Mikeb101 Johnwwright JamesHendry37 Gazpacholulu Mattwestwood10 Tonito Blissman stuart1975 Kingface HippyDave samlewis45 agoudsmit deano2112 80sAddict Gabber FWPC lancedawkins yoma12 Eklipze 454Corne marbles11 Biedjee JigsawPieces antongeven Artmosfear nathan797 smugglersface nlourenco73 mhippo Budski BertMol KiWiB chazzyf BoC_man_orkney rawsmith jesterhud MatthewCMartin Chickygirl