Naxatras Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Upcoming Shows
Naxatras at Gazi Technopolis, Athens, Greece
Doors: 7:30 PMShow: 8:45 PM – 10:05 PM
- Space Keeper
- On the Silver Line
- Journey to Narahmon
- Proxima Centauri
- Omega Madness
- Utopian Structures
- Waves
- Horizon
- Garden of the Senses
- I Am the Beyonder
- The Great Attractor
Naxatras at Fuzz Club, Athens, Greece
Doors: 8:00 PMShow: 9:35 PM – 10:50 PM
- Reflection (Birth)
- Omega Madness
- Journey to Narahmon
- On the Silver Line
- Proxima Centauri
- Waves
- Horizon
- Garden of the Senses
- The Great Attractor
- I Am the Beyonder
- Ent
- Space Keeper
Naxatras at Dorćol Platz, Belgrade, Serbia
- Reflection (Birth)
- Omega Madness
- Journey to Narahmon
- On the Silver Line
- Proxima Centauri
- Waves
- Horizon
- Garden of the Senses
- The Great Attractor
- I Am the Beyonder
- Ent
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160 people have seen Naxatras live.
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