Oxygen Thief Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Oxygen Thief at Aces and Eights Saloon Bar, London, England
- Modesty Is Dead
- Mestle and Portar
- Bar-Bar Jinks
- Badge of Dishonour
- Trial & Improvement
- Vectors
- Self-Righting Mechanism
- Flight Paths
- End of the Pier Pressure
- All Done Bye Bye
Oxygen Thief at 2000 Trees Festival 2022
- Modesty Is Dead
- Mestle and Portar
- Terry Nutkins Salute
- Too Many Trees
- There Can Be Only One
- Crayola
- Disaster Plan / Greater Aberystwyth
- Badge of Dishonour
- All Done Bye Bye
Oxygen Thief at 80Trees 2021
Start: 3:30 PM
- Camera Shy
- You Snooze You Lose
- Con. Script. Shun.
- It's Life Jim, but Not as We Know It
- Terry Nutkins Salute
- Too Many Trees
Oxygen Thief at The Crofters Rights, Bristol, England
- Badge of Dishonour
- End of the Pier Pressure
- Lost in the Post-
- Con. Script. Shun.
- It's Life Jim, but Not as We Know It
- Graffiti; Irony; Lists
- Self-Righting Mechanism
- You Snooze You Lose
Oxygen Thief
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74 people have seen Oxygen Thief live.
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