Palm Reader Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Palm Reader at 2000 Trees Festival 2024
Show: 8:10 PM – 9:05 PM
- Dorothy
- Internal Winter
- I Watch the Fire Chase My Tongue
- Willow
- Hold/Release
- Stay Down
- Like a Wave
- False Thirst
- Seeing and Believing are Two Different Things
- Swarm
- A Bird and Its Feathers
Palm Reader at Rescue Rooms, Nottingham, England
- Internal Winter
- I Watch the Fire Chase My Tongue
- Willow
- Hold/Release
- Inertia
- Stay Down
- Seeing and Believing are Two Different Things
- Spineless
- Stacks
- Like a Wave
- False Thirst
- Both Ends of the Rope
- ...
Palm Reader at Manchester Academy 3, University of Manchester Students' Union, Manchester, England
Doors: 7:30 PMShow: 9:25 PM – 10:45 PM
- Temptation Sensation
- Internal Winter
- I Watch the Fire Chase My Tongue
- Willow
- Hold/Release
- Inertia
- Stay Down
- Seeing and Believing are Two Different Things
- Spineless
- Stacks
- Like a Wave
- False Thirst
- ...
Palm Reader at The Underworld, London, England
- Internal Winter
- I Watch the Fire Chase My Tongue
- Willow
- Hold/Release
- Inertia
- Stay Down
- Seeing and Believing are Two Different Things
- Spineless
- Stacks
- Like a Wave
- False Thirst
- Both Ends of the Rope
- ...
Palm Reader at O2 Forum Kentish Town, London, England
Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
- Hold/Release
- Internal Winter
- Willow
- Stay Down
- Inertia
- Swarm
- A Bird and Its Feathers
Palm Reader at Manchester Academy 1, University of Manchester, Manchester, England
Doors: 7:00 PMShow: 7:45 PM – 8:25 PM
- Hold/Release
- Internal Winter
- Willow
- Stay Down
- Inertia
- Swarm
- A Bird and Its Feathers
Palm Reader at The Marble Factory, Bristol, England
Doors: 6:30 PMStart: 7:30 PM
- Hold/Release
- Internal Winter
- Stay Down
- Willow
- Swarm
- Inertia
- A Bird and Its Feathers
Palm Reader
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