Plaid Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
- Plaid (British electronic music duo)
- Plaid (Huntsville, AL based band)
Plaid at Glastonbury Festival 2024
Start: 3:15 PM
Plaid at Inverfest 2024
Scheduled start: 9:00 PM
Plaid at Brooklyn Made, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Show: 10:30 PM – 12:00 AM
- Perspex
- Modenet
- Wondergan
- C.A.
- Nightcrawler
Plaid at Meow Wolf | Convergence Station, Denver, CO, USA
Doors: 8:00 PMShow: 10:00 PM – 11:45 PM
Plaid at Sleeping Village, Chicago, IL, USA
Doors: 8:00 PMShow: 10:00 PM – 11:20 PM
- Cwtchr
- Return to Return
- Modenet
- C.A.
- Eye Robot
- Bowl
- Wide I’s
- Hawkmoth
- Wondergan
- Maru
- Perspex
- ...
Plaid at Théâtre Fairmount, Montreal, QC, Canada
Doors: 8:10 PMShow: 10:00 PM – 11:20 PM
Plaid at MUTEK.MX 2023
- Cwtchr
- Return to Return
- Modenet
- C.A.
- Bowl
- Wide I’s
- Hawkmoth
- Wondergan
- Maru
- Perspex
- Huix
- Dancers
- ...
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197 people have seen Plaid live.
betweentheether sirqaty cathou magnuswre interro_bang heisenberged ChrisMaslin epack Tchitcherine Orbaddict pimlottc radiojazzz slint Blue_Meany halfaaxxaa Soulsfrik Slimsco HEARTCHOP Jackster crimsonfloyd metalheaded Mince Evil_bob hvnlyabuse paquitobzh idlehhhand markcod peroslo ambientpj72 donkey__crisps jmtd HansJolly Goudeskitchen hypractivbliss zandermetal breun carwynnen mftinsley Carrzinho TurrikaN64 jkpyg43 Musicxx tundramamine niksudan harryh97 squeekobenelli seank mlilley2001 AdamH Tdolton
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