Proletariat Setlists

Artists with same name
  • Proletariat (UK)
  • Proletariat (Punk, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
May 21 2022

Proletariat at Gorilla, Manchester, England

  1. You're Free (To Be As We Are)
  2. Go Ahead
  3. Don't Turn Out the Lights
  4. Always the Same
  5. As Above, so Below
  6. I'm Not Alright
  7. Take My Hand and Run
  8. What Goes Around
  9. Nervous Energy
  10. What Do We Call This Place?
  11. Mr. Brown
  12. Losing Control is a Beautiful Thing
Jan 26 2022

Proletariat at The Rose and Monkey Hotel, Manchester, England

  1. Go Ahead
  2. Always the Same
  3. Derogatory
  4. You're Free (To Be As We Are)
  5. Don't Turn Out the Lights
  6. I'm Not Alright
  7. Take My Hand and Run
  8. Hero
  9. What Do We Call This Place?
  10. Sympathy for the Devil
  11. Losing Control is a Beautiful Thing
Proletariat setlists


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Last updated: 10 Feb 2025, 09:43 UTC

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